Located in Erieville between Cazenovia and Hamilton, Shelly Kempton’s 2,700 sq. ft. house is an excellent local example of a near net zero home. When she built the house in 2020, she wanted it to be an educational example of a sustainable, low-carbon producing home. Shelly opted for horizontal geothermal, a heat pump water heater, and solar for her new home. This cut her bill from hundreds of dollars a month to heat and cool to less than $10 per month on electric. Come check out how cozy and earth-friendly her home is at this free, in-person open house on April 30th.
HeatSmart CNY Campaign Director, Lindsay Speer will discuss available rebates for energy efficiency improvements and heat pumps. Local contractors from A.C.E.S.-Energy will be available for technical questions. Allergy heads-up, a dog and two cats live in the house. Masks are optional. Registration is required.
Co-sponsored by HeatSmart Caz, The United Climate Action Network, Alliance for a Green Economy, HeatSmart Hamilton & the Hamilton Climate Preparedness Working Group.