We are excited to announce that the Syracuse Common Council passed a resolution today supporting our HeatSmart CNY campaign. Thank you to the councilors who voted unanimously to support this project.
WHEREAS, the City of Syracuse has been designated by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) as a Clean Energy Community; and
WHEREAS, the Syracuse Comprehensive Plan 2040 calls for supporting energy efficient designs and green building technology projects, reducing the volume and impact of energy consumption in the City of Syracuse, and reducing Syracuse’s carbon footprint; and
WHEREAS, the Vision CNY Regional Sustainability Plan also calls for reducing regional energy consumption per capita by 40% below 2010 levels by 2030; and
WHEREAS, NYSERDA estimates heating and cooling in buildings represent 37% of statewide net energy consumption and contribute 32% of New York State’s combustion-related greenhouse gas emissions; and
WHEREAS, clean heating and cooling technologies, such as cold-climate air source heat pumps, and ground source heat pumps ( also known as geothermal heat pumps), have the potential to contribute significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions of the heating and cooling sector; and
WHEREAS, other benefits to those using clean heating and cooling technologies include energy bill savings and increased comfort levels and health benefits compared to conventional heating and cooling technologies; and
WHEREAS, high energy burdens are part of a complex of economic, health, and housing issues that contribute to serious problems like ill-health and homelessness; and
WHEREAS, HeatSmart CNY is a non-profit, volunteer, initiative in Onondaga, Oswego, Cortland, Madison and Cayuga Counties helping people switch to clean heating and cooling technologies; and
WHEREAS, HeatSmart CNY is an initiative of the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board and the Alliance for a Green Economy and has received funding and support from NYSERDA to administer a two-year campaign; and
WHEREAS, HeatSmai1 CNY is one of eight similar community outreach programs in New York State, one of three awarded funding through NYSERDA for workforce development, and the only community outreach program to be awarded funding to provide additional incentives for low-and-moderate income households and a demonstration project for conversion of affordable multi-family housing to geothermal; and
WHEREAS, HeatSmart CNY is modeled after successful Solarize Syracuse and Solarize CNY campaigns which doubled the amount of solar power produced by homes and businesses in and around the City of Syracuse; and
WHEREAS, clean heating and cooling technologies are already proven to work in Syracuse including projects at the Syracuse University Center of Excellence in Energy and Environmental Systems, the Pike Block, Hotel Skyler, and numerous residences; and
WHEREAS, between June 1, 2017 and October 12, 2018, approximately 45 ground source heat pumps and 16 air source heat pumps were rebated by NYSERDA in Central New York; and
WHEREAS, a successful HeatSma11 CNY campaign will help jumpstart a nascent market and drive increased capacity and interest in installing such systems; and
WHEREAS, the installation of ground source heat pump and air source heat pump systems helps protect our environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels used to heat and cool our buildings and provides and creates new jobs in this emerging market; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Syracuse Common Council recognizes the HeatSmart CNY initiative bringing clean heating and cooling technologies to the residents and businesses in City of Syracuse and our surrounding community; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Syracuse Common Council will continue to take and support initiatives to create a Sustainable Syracuse.